Board and Leadership Positions Descriptions


Elected by the OVPTA Membership. Expected to attend and participate in monthly Board meetings, quarterly General Membership Meetings and represent the PTA Board by being involved, and attending PTA activities. Executive Board members may also sign PTA checks and PTA contracts. Executive Board members may stay in their position for up to 2 years. 

Co-Presidents: Oversee and coordinate the work of the PTA Board. Plans and presides over meetings. Serves as official contact and representative of the PTA. This is expected to be a 2-year position, where the 1st Year President has less responsibility, but is prepared to be the 2nd Year President with full duties the following year. 

Vice Presidents; Assist the President or stand in if needed. An important role on the Board, but has no official duties, except what they choose to take on. Ideal role for someone who is very interested in getting involved with the Board, attending Board meetings, being part of planning the future of the PTA, but does not want to commit to more duties.

Secretary: Take minutes during meetings. Maintains PTA records. 
Treasurers: Manage financial aspects of the PTA. Maintains permanent financial records and presents reports at meetings. Chairs the budget committee. Pays PTA bills. Ensures that taxes and reports required by the state and federal governments, PTA bylaws, and insurance are complete. This is expected to be a 2-year position, where the work is divided between a 1st Year Treasurer and a 2nd Year Treasurer.

Approved by the Executive Committee. Expected to attend and participate in monthly Board meetings, periodic General Membership Meetings and represent the PTA Board by being involved, and attending PTA activities. All these positions can be shared by Co-Directors.

Communications: Ensures that all events and important PTA information reaches the community. Maintains the OVPTA website news sections and calendar. Monitors and posts on social media (currently FB and Instagram). Creates and sends a monthly email newsletter. Assist committee members with communication strategies, etc.
*This position can be split as needed.
Membership: Inform the community about the benefits of membership.  Maintain the member database.
Advocacy: Help the community stay informed regarding district, state, and national laws, levies, etc.  Let the community know when and how they can advocate for the good of all students.
Enrichment: Work with the Arts Committee to ensure a continuation of our Arts Activities (including Art Docent, Arts Residencies, Wonderful Wednesday). Organize Arts Night or Science night (which occur on alternating years). Work with Thursday After School Enrichment Program vendor and volunteers to ensure a smooth ASEP program.
Fundraising: Ideally, the Fundraising Chair would oversee all committees of OV fundraising tasks (traditionally including Sponsorships, Direct Ask, Move-a-thon, Auction and Plant Sale) and work with committees to ensure that fundraisers occur and report to the Board about fundraising activities. In reality, Fundraising Chairs also run some of these events.
Activities: Ideally, the Activities Chair would oversee all committees for Activities (including Mariners and Sounders games, Kraken Ice Skating, Movie Nights, Familypalooza, Multi-cultural Night, Fall Festival) and work with committees to ensure that committees have enough volunteers and advertise. In reality, the Chair also organizes some of the events.

Having a volunteer, who is NOT on the Board, in charge of overseeing the activity and seeking additional volunteers, if needed, is crucial. These activities cannot run if no volunteers take them on.

Art Committee Member: Attend Arts Committee meetings. Facilitate the existing arts enrichment at OV: art docent program, arts residencies, Wonderful Wednesday, Arts Night (every other year, next Arts Night 2025), Choir. Develop and plan future Arts at OV with Arts Committee. 
Eagle Packs: Coordinate with OV (usually OV Counselor) to determine amount of food needed. Communicate with University District Food Bank. Pick up food and organize for distribution. Recruit volunteers as needed. 
Staff Appreciation: Coordinate Staff Appreciation activities. Generally this includes Back-to-School Staff Breakfast prior to first day of school and Staff Appreciation week which takes place in April or May, including organizing and advertising signup genius for meals made by volunteers, or other events or appreciation activities.
Yearbook: Take photos, coordinate with teachers to collect photos and work with Dorian to create a yearbook. Majority of work done in the spring. 
School Supplies: Work with OV office staff to compile first day of school supply lists, make and track purchases, collect items. Majority of work is done from spring through summer.
Plant Sale: Purchase plants, advertise, and organize plant sale. Recruit and manage volunteers. Majority of work in January-April.
Garden Activities: Plan and organize volunteer work parties. Work with SPS self-help regarding upgrades and required maintenance of garden space. 
Auction: Organize online and/or in-person auction event usually occurring in the spring.  Procure items, set prices, organize event, distribute items. 
Flying Forward Direct Ask Campaign:  This is our Direct Ask Campaign. Distribute information to all students and ensure that all money donated is deposited. Majority of work in the fall, and can be done at home and during any hours.
Move-a-thon: Run t-shirt contest and get shirts printed, organize volunteers, procure snacks, determine schedule for the day. Majority of work in the spring.
Sponsorships:  Contact community sponsors, follow up, ensure OV’s obligations to sponsors are met (sponsor banners, logos shared, etc.). Majority of work is done over the summer and can be done from home at any hour. Mostly email work.
Mariners and Sounders (possibly other teams) Games:  Sell and distribute tickets. Advertise events. Coordinate with representatives of the teams.
Fall Festival: Organize and plan event, recruit volunteers and advertise. Most of the work happens in the fall up until the event in October.
Movie Nights: Purchase food, choose movies, advertise, and make sure event goes smoothly.
Spring Musical: Assist with volunteer coordination and recruitment. Plan cast party. Help manage signupgenius and pre-order ticket sales and other activities.
Multi-Cultural Night and Potluck:  Organize and advertise. Reach out to staff and families regarding presentations, booths, activities, etc.
Science Night: Organize, recruit volunteers, and advertise. Happens in the spring every other year - next Science Night 2026.